martes, 15 de octubre de 2013


The first piece of work proposed to the bilingual groups in the present academic year has been to celebrate the EUROPEAN DAY OF LANGUAGES. It took place on 26th September.

The bilingual students of 1st and 3rd of ESO, with their Art teacher's help, made up two big coloured maps where we can see the names of the countries that make up the European Union and their appropiate flags. All the students of each goup participated and the two pieces of work are really excellent. 
The bilingual students of 2nd and 4th of ESO were asked to draw a map of Europe and highlight the countries that belong to the EU (28, with the last entrance in July). To start with, all the countries had to have their names written in English. Then, as the aim of the whole project is to investigate about the great number of languages that are spoken in the EU, they had to choose basic words like "hello", "welcome", "bye" or  alike and translate them into the different languages. Once they had the same word/s in all the languages they had to link them to their suitable countries. To end up and get the best result, the students could use their imagination, so the links were done in different ways: colours of flags, thin sticks, threat, plastic bugles,bubbles, etc.
Some students did it quite well, especially considering that they had only a week to make the project.  

We can see some pictures of the exhibition at the school hall.

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